On May 30, 2013 in Corwin Pavillion, these groups and individuals were honored for their contribution to Associated Students. Congratulations to all.
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Lorden Award
This award honors a UCSB undergraduate student each academic year who has performed outstanding service to the Associated Students through her or his leadership for the organization.
Sophia Armen
Jeremy Johansen Award
The Jeremy Johansen award is given to an individual who has demonstrated endurance, persistence and courage in the face of extraordinary challenges while in service to Associated Students.
- Christina Min
- Mayra Segovia
Board/Committee/Commission of the Year
This award is given to the A.S. organization that has consistently made outstanding contributions to student life throughout the year.
Community Affairs Board
Staff Member of the Year
This award is given to a staff member who has provided outstanding service to the students involved in Associated Students
Beth Ramone
Student Staff Member of the Year
This award is given to a student-staff member who has done an outstanding job throughout the year.
IVTU student staff
- Alexandra Garcia
- Brianna Franco
- Alejandra Gutierrez
Project of the Year
For an outstanding project that made a contribution to the student body.
Student Commission on Racial Equality’s Quarterly Multicultural Mixers
Separate Award
On behalf of the Office of the Student Advocate: Advocacy Award
Dr. Marisela Marquez
For her extraordinary commitment to serving and working with students and cultivating their consciousness.
Senate Member of the Year
This award is given to a Senate member that has consistently performed outstanding work on behalf of the Senate throughout the year.
- Kaitlyn Christianson
- Andrew Soriano
Individual Board Member Awards
Each Board, Committee, or Commission is invited to select their member of the year. Please forward the Organization name, Chair name, and the name of the member of the year. These individuals will be recognized at the banquet.
- Business Services- David Schmidt
- The Bottom Line- Jordan Wolff and Annalise Domenighini
- Coastal Fund-Danny Westcott
- CODE- Irene Sarmiento
- COSWB- Natalya Asadullina
- CAB- Alexandra “Ali” Guthy
- EAB- Tessa Balboni (board member of the year) Lauren Dykman (member of the year)
- EVPLA Office- Hannah Pierce
- Finance Board-Dwayne Jackson
- Food Bank- Christian Arevalo
- IVCRC- Tanya Zadoorian
- IVTU-Noelle Hensler
- KCSB- Navid Ebrahimzadeh
- Office of the President- Daniel Rojas and Alex Jenson
- Office of the Student Advocate- Kashira Ayers
- Program Board- Chris Schuchardt Spring Quarter member–Justin Stasiuk
- Queer Commission- Peterson Pham
- SCORE- Prabhjot “Jody” Singh
- Student Lobby-Reyna Kauil and Maria Flores
- Take Back the Night-Adrienne Elijah
- Womyn’s Commission- Louise Allman