Errr, what does LRC stand for? Here is a handy list for those of you who may not be fully acquainted with all of the acronyms we use in AS!
Acronym | Real Phrase |
AS | Associated Students |
ASLC | Associated Students Legislative Council |
ASOP | Associated Students Office of the President |
ASPB | Associated Students Program Board |
ASR | Associated Students Recycling |
BIKES | Bicycle Improvements Keep Everyone Safe |
BCC | Boards Committees and Commissions |
BS | Business Services |
CEC | Campus Elections Commission |
CPC | Campus Planning Commission/Collegiate Panhellenic Council |
CODE | Commission on Disability Equality |
COPS | Commission on Public Safety |
COSWB | Commission On Student Well-Being |
COC, Com on Com | Committee on Committees |
CAB | Community Affairs Board |
CBL | Constitution and Bylaws |
CMU | Creative Media Unit |
DSP | Disabled Students Program |
EAP | Education Abroad Program |
EOP | Education Opportunity Program |
EAB | Environmental Affairs Board |
EVPLA | External Vice President of Local Affairs |
EVPSA | External Vice President of Statewide Affairs |
FB, FinBo | Finance Board |
HRB | Human Rights Board |
IVP | Internal Vice President |
IAC | Investment Advisory Committee |
IVCRC | Isla Vista Community Relations Committee |
IVTU | Isla Vista Tenants Union |
LRC | Legal Resource Center |
MRC | Media Relations Committee |
MCC | Multicultural Center |
OP | Office of the President |
OSL | Office of Student Life |
OSA | Office of the Student Advocate |
PRB | Parking Rates Board |
QTIP | Quit Taking It Personal |
RC | Rally Committee |
RDA | Redevelopment Agency |
RHA | Residence Hall Association |
SAG | Student Advocate General |
SCORE | Student Commission On Racial Equality |
SIRRC | Student Initiated Recruitment and Retention Committee |
SL | Student Lobby |
SRB | Student Resource Building |
SIDE | Student-Initiated Democratic Education |
SOCC | Students Of Color Conference |
STAR | Students Teaching Alcohol and other drug Responsibility/ |
TBTN | Take Back The Night |
TPS | Transportation & Parking Services |
TQComm | Trans and Queer Comm |
TBL | The Bottom Line |
UCOP | University of California Office of the President |
UCSA | University of California Students Association |
USSA | United States Students Association |
WAIT | Why Am I Talking |
WC | Women’s Commission |
SAOD | Statewide Affairs Organizing Director |