The Associated Students (A.S.) of the University of California, Santa Barbara is non-profit organization and a department of the UCSB campus, funded by undergraduate student fees. Through elected student positions and appointments we voice student concerns and express student opinion to the UCSB administration, UC system, our community, and state and local governments. We have dozens of boards, committees, and commissions that are organized and funded through A.S. to enrich student life and give students services and opportunities not offered by the administration. Our mission is to help students uphold the high academic standards and give them leadership, employment, cultural and growth opportunities to serve the campus community.
There are many ways to view the rich history of A.S..
- Living History Project – a digital history project exploring the ways in which increased UCSB students engagement with the university and surrounding community has shaped the local history. Here is the AS site:
- Flashback – an online annual report
- Independent, October 8, 2013
UCSB Bikes: How the University Rolls - Independent, June 21, 2013
Breaking Down UCSB’s Associated Students – A Look at How the Undergraduate Union Works - Independent, June 11, 2013
Fence Isla Vista A Grassroots Project - Noozhawk, June 3, 2013
UCSB Faculty Senate Passes Fossil-Fuel Divestment Resolution - Noozhawk, May 30, 2013
Developer Giving Isla Vista Teen Center a New Place to Call Home - Independent, April 11, 2013
Five Miles in Their Shoes – A Night in the Life of Isla Vista Foot Patrol - Independent February 18, 2013
Students’ Eye View – What’s on Their Minds
- Independent November 15, 2012
Test of Tenants’ Rights: Mass Isla Vista Evictions Raise Flags and Feelings of Déjà Vu
- Independent May 3, 2011
UCSB Water Project Wins Best Practice Award for Sustainability - Daily Nexus April 28, 2011
Student Food Collective To Serve Isla Vista Affordable Food - UCSB Office of Public Affairs April 13, 2011
UCSB’s Associated Students to Launch Campus’s First Food Bank - Noozhawk April 13, 2011
Associated Students of UCSB Opening Campus Food Bank
- Independent October 9, 2010
Cal Poly, UCSB Team Up in Learn-By-Doing Venture
Links: Living History Project