Administrative Committees

What is a Committee?

The Association has two types of committees, Administrative and Standing Committees. Administrative committees take care of the internal facets of the Association. They are the behind the scenes workers that retain and constantly recruitment members of the Association, while also ensuring that each elected member of the Association is elected fairly, and that honoraria for each position within the Association is  justly distributed. Administrative Committees are also comprised of Student Services. The Investment Advisory Committee is a self- sustaining Administrative Committee that allows students to invest funds from the Association into the stock market while the Tech and Media Services Committee orchestrates the Creative Media Department, which is a fully student funded creative space equipped to help you with everything from creating a simple flyer for an event to producing a video documentary about something that you’re passionate about.

Standing Committees are comprised mainly of Senators with a few positions reserved for student representatives. These unique Committees either fund campus organizations or advocate for student interests when reviewing the language of bills.  Standing Committees meet on a weekly basis and encourage student participation.

Finance and Business Committee

AS Finance and Business Committee serves the UC Santa Barbara student body by facilitating the financial allocation of student fees. By streamlining the budgetary process and outreaching to student organizations, the committee seeks to make funds easier to access, in order to host programs, events, and other student expenditures. If you have any questions or concerns about Funding or our committee, please visit our website.

Campus Affairs

The Campus Affairs Committee is in its first year of operation and we couldn’t be more excited. The Committee morphed together University Affairs and Constitution and by-laws in an attempt to create a more effective and efficient committee. The Committee will focus on the specific language of bills as they pertain to the University. The Campus Affairs Committee will be meeting weekly on Tuesdays from 8pm-10pm in the Goleta Valley Room in the University Center.

External Affairs Committee

The charge of the External Affairs Committee is to oversee all A.S. student activities regarding matters outside of the association such as university and state affairs. The committee is to review all main motions of the senate that pertains to its mission such as considering and recommending positions to the Senate on matters of a political nature.

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