KCSB News is presenting a free forum on Free Speech on the UCSB Campus this coming Wednesday, May 24, at 6:30 p.m. at IV Theater 1 in Isla Vista. The public is invited to attend to listen in to what student groups and faculty members have to say about balancing the right to free speech while assuring that everyone feels safe on campus.
Community Financial Fund presents: CalFresh and On-campus Resources with Mirna X. Toxtle
Wed. May 24th at 2pm
Sign up at https://linktr.ee/ucsbcff
UCSB Remembers
May 23, 2014
Come together as one community to lift our hearts in remembrance.
Join the Community Financial Fund to welcome Carrie Flack, a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist who will be discussing how to eat healthy on a budget!
May 25, 2023 02:00 PM
The Healthy Eating on a Budget presentation will provide meal planning and grocery shopping tips for creating a low-cost nutrient-balanced meal plan. From where to shop to what to buy, we will cover all the information you need to save money and get the most out of your meal plan.
Register here https://linktr.ee/ucsbcff
Check us out at some awesome upcoming events hosted by local and on campus orgs!