Flacks Intern Recommendation


This recommendation is for a student who has applied for the Flacks Intern position in Associated Students. This intern has considerable responsibility for coordinating programs and interacting with a variety of members of the university community from students and faculty to staff and high-level administrators. We rely on the intern to be professional and carry out high-level tasks with little or no supervision. Your recommendations in the areas below are very important to our selection process. We would appreciate your candid appraisal of this applicant’s potential in the areas listed below. We realize that you may not be able to make meaningful ratings on all of the characteristics, so please feel free to indicate that you have no basis for judgment if indeed you do not. We will need your recommendation no later than Monday May 27, 2019. If you would like more information about the position, please do not hesitate to call (805) 893-4141. Thank you for your help.

Intern Recommendation Form 2019-2020

  • Name of the student that you are recommending:
  • Please use the following scale to rate the applicant in the areas below: 0 = Don’t Know, 1 = Poor, 2 = Weak, 3 = Average, 4 = Strong, 5 = Outstanding

  • Able to complete tasks correctly and on time:
  • Works effectively with minimal supervision:
  • Pays close attention to detail and/or keeps accurate records:
  • Works well with others and is adaptable:
  • Takes the initiative and is motivated to do well:
  • Articulate and clear in verbal expression:
  • Comfortable speaking in front of others:
  • Sensitive to the needs of others in a group situation:
  • Able to relate well to those different from him/herself:
  • Has a degree of tact in difficult situations:
  • Capable of managing several projects at one time:
  • Exhibits leadership skills in a variety of settings:
  • Is inspiring to others, stands out in group efforts:
  • Comfortable sharing his/her experiences with others:
  • In general, how would you recommend this person for this position (or these positions)?
  • How long have you known the applicant?
  • Relationship to student requesting the reference
  • Please use this space for your recommendation:
  • Name of the person providing this reference:

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