Campus and Facilities Access Process
(Updated February 2023)
For the health and safety of the campus and surrounding community, prior to entering campus or accessing any Associated Students facility, the following process must be followed in order to help mitigate the spread of COVID-19. This is an update for the Division of Student Affairs, including Associated Students, and will no longer require pre-authorization of staff, students, or other individuals coming to campus. In other words, you no longer need to receive permission from Marisela for campus visits. In addition, there is no longer a need to develop and receive approval for new essential services.
In place of the previous pre-approvals for campus visits, the Division requires that all staff (career, student, student leadership, and otherwise) are now authorized to work on site as long as the following protocols are followed:
1. For UCSB employees who have not previously completed the COVID-19 Return to Work eCourse, completion of the COVID-19 Prevention Training document must be reviewed on the UC Learning Center website (here:
2. Review and sign-off on the AS Worksite Specific Safety Plan (WSSP). This is a DocuSign document located here: Click to access your department’s WSSP in DocuSign.
3. Meet the campus Return-to-Campus safety compliance requirements including:
- Comply with the UC COVID-19 Vaccination and Registration Policy (link:; effective 9/9/2021 and includes updated interim amendments). For vaccinations given by a provider other than UCSB Student Health Services (SHS), proof of vaccination is required by submitting vaccination information online through the “Medical Clearances” section of the SHS portal located here: This mandate applies to all staff, faculty and students. Exception/deferral requests can also be submitted through the SHS portal.
- Comply with on-going COVID-19 mitigation strategies as announced by the campus, including the strong recommendation to wear a face covering in indoor shared spaces on campus, regardless of vaccination status, except when working alone in private offices. Universal masking is still required in high-risk settings such as healthcare facilities. Full campus COVID-19 information and protocols are located on the campus COVID-19 Information and Updates website here:
Any barriers to meeting these protocols should be brought to a direct supervisor or Marisela. Please note: the above protocols are mandatory for entering campus and facilities, and the department does not have the authority to grant exceptions.