Philanthropic entities raise money for organizations which work hard to better the UCSB community. These services are provided by student fees and also create jobs for students. Each and every one of these Enterprise Entities provides services to students or allows students to provide services to their local community.
America Reads America Counts
Associated Students Community Affairs Office and local school districts work together to implement UCSB’s response to the national America Reads America Counts challenge. America Reads America Counts (AR/AC) is funded through Federal Work Study and trains 35 UCSB students to be tutors in elementary schools.
Bike Committee
The AS Bike Committee is a unique component of the Associated Students community. The ASBC is a place where passionate advocacy for bicycle safety and a clear voice for consideration of bicycles in campus planning have come together. The ASBC is an active bicycle system advocate, and works to increase student, staff, faculty, and administration awareness of and involvement with bicycle system issues in and around UCSB. We also fund bike improvements on campus, and participate in social and outreach events throughout the year with our $1.25 per student per quarter lock-in fee.
Coastal Fund
The Coastal Fund is a student initiative dedicated to the conservation of the UCSB coastline. Our student body recognizes that the coast is at the heart of our campus’ culture and character and must be protected. The Coastal Fund shall provide funds to preserve, protect, and enhance the terrestrial and marine habitats associated with the shoreline of the University of California, Santa Barbara through preservation, education, open access, research, and restoration.
Community Affairs Board (CAB)
The ASUCSB Community Affairs Board is an official board of the Associated Students Senate. We are comprised of active students who work to bring the campus and community together through service. The Board’s Volunteer Action Center, is dedicated to enhancing the educational experience of all UCSB Students by providing information and easy access to community service work. Through a wide range of projects and community programs, CAB seeks to augment classroom experiences, create opportunities for career exploration, connect UCSB to the community in a meaningful way, and promote the ethics of public service.
Community Financial Fund
CFF is a student run organization and part of Associated Students. We promote financial literacy awareness and educate students on various personal finance topics. Our mission is to prepare students for a lifetime of financial wellbeing, and those basics start in college.
Community Volunteer Foundation (CoVo)
CAB Community Volunteer Foundation seeks to enhance the educational experience of UCSB students by issuing grants for ongoing service-based programs or projects that foster greater awareness regarding social, educational, economic, and environmental issues. These programs must engage UCSB undergraduate students as volunteers or leaders as well as strive to have meaningful and lasting impact on the greater Santa Barbara community.
Isla Vista Community Relations Committee (IVCRC)
Isla Vista Community Relations Committee is an Associated Students committee works to promote and educate the Isla Vista community as a whole by nurturing the relationships between the long-term and short-term residents. In addition, IVCRC funds on-campus and off-campus groups that work to improve the community. IVCRC is a committee filled with active and passionate students who wish to bring the Isla Vista Community as a whole together.
IV Arts
Isla Vista Arts promotes the arts as a catalyst for social growth and change in the neighboring Isla Vista community.
Living History Project
The Living History Project is a branch of Associated Students that tracks, archives, and narrates the history of student activism at UCSB. It traces the origins of organizations such as BSU, El Congreso, A.S. Queer Commission, Associated Students, etc. and outlines how they were developed and integrated into our community. This project shifts the historical point of view towards the students and shows how they enacted change on and off campus. The Living History Project amplifies the voices of the students in the face of corruption, injustice, and inequity and will continue to serve as a platform as current social and political issues arise.
Student Initiated Recruitment and Retention Committee
The Student Initiated Recruitment and Retention Committee is a collective effort of students catering to the needs of local and academic communities. The committee will assist historically underrepresented, low-income, and under-resourced students and organizations in establishing the fundamental interaction needed to create a long-term recruitment and retention program within our UCSB community.
Students Against Sexual Assault
Students Against Sexual Assault is a nonprofit organization dedicated to the elimination of sexual assault and sexual harassment on the UCSB, SBCC and the UCSC campuses and their surrounding communities.