Committee on Honoraria

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Charge of the Committee

The Honoraria Committee oversees the allocation of all money towards honoraria. The Committee is responsible for reviewing all honoraria requests through examination of written requests as well as thorough discussions with chairmen and Committee members affected. The committee is in charge of creating and distributing honoraria forms.

Honoraria Forms


Appointed officials of any A.S. entity


Current A.S. Senators

B.C.U. Chairs

Chair/Vice-Chairs or respective counterparts

Chair Evaluations

The highest-ranking official(s) of each Board, Commission, Unit, Senate, Senate’s Standing Committees, offices within the Executive Branch, and Judicial Council, will submit a recommendation for honoraria based on their honoraria line item to the Committee by week 7 of each quarter on behalf of that respective entity.

Retroactive Honoraria

Missed the regular deadline? Request retroactive honoraria! After the Honoraria Committee receives the form, the committee will review the request, however, not within the regular timeline.
