2008 Spring General
Election Supplement

Internal Vice President

Megan Klein - Student Voice!

Hello Gauchos!

My name is Megan Klein and I'm your Student VOICE! candidate for Internal Vice-President. I'm a third year Political Science, Public Service Emphasis and Law and Society double major.

As your IVP, I will ensure that AS works hard to include ALL students and advocate for issues that really affect YOU. I have and will continue to enhance the student experience at UCSB through my involvement in AS and OSL organizations.

My experience includes:

My experience has given me a broad perspective to understand YOUR issues and I will continue to advocate for ALL students by:


Vote for Megan Klein for Internal Vice-President!

Amplify your Student VOICE!

Bay Grabowski - Independent

Hello Students! My name is Bay, and I hope to be your next Associated Students Internal Vice President. I've been working with Associated Students for about a year and a half, mostly doing internal issues; talking to the administration, clarifying bills in AS, helping Associated Students do its job efficiently and fairly. I have a decade of experience working with legislative bodies and rules of order, I know how meetings can be run fairly and efficiently. I also strive toward getting student's views on technology heard; working with the expansion of wireless Internet across the campus, more power outlets and Internet connections inside the library, better computer labs, helping to makeUCSB have technology worthy of the school.

As Internal Vice President, I want to keep doing the same thing, promoting communication between everyone; Associated Students, the students ofUCSB, the administration of UCSB, other schools, and whoever else will help to make the student's experience at UCSB the best that is possible. I want to act as the catalyst of that communication, to show students that AS is working for them, and to haveeveryone's voice heard and felt. I want UCSB to know the will of the students, for us to work with the people who manage UCSB . I want us to work together, to help each other. By electing me Internal Vice President, we can achieve that. I've already been helping people work together, I want to keep doing it, and expand what I can do.


Kevin Higuchi - Open People's Party (O.P.P.)

Hey Gauchos! My name is Kevin Higuchi and I want to be your 2008-2009 Internal Vice President.

I first decided to get involved in Associated Students as a first year because I saw it as another great campus leadership opportunity. My initial reaction to the AS structure was that it was complex and overly bureaucratic. But I stayed involved and set a goal to learn more about AS. I wanted to find ways to make it more approachable and to give the students a sense of belonging to it.

I currently serve as the Chair for Associated Students Finance Board, ensuring the responsible management of an almost $7 million dollar budget. I have made recognizable achievements with the board by providing student organizations with more fair policies and increasing the visibility of its decisions. I have also worked extensively within AS, volunteering for issues and activities including distributing finals kits, facilitating AS-involvement workshops, and helping organize a break-out session in response to the 15-unit increase requirement.

Working with committees such as the Investment Advisory Committee and Legislative Council, as well as various student organizations and campus departments, has given me a passion for involvement with campus issues. Through my work I've gained a thorough and comprehensive knowledge of both AS itself, and its potential.

The position of IVP needs someone with this level of proven leadership experience and a commitment to the needs of the student body. I would love to continue my work and serve you as your Internal Vice President.

Alex Forster - Independent

Hi, my name is Alex Forster and I want to represent YOU! I'm currently running for Internal Vice President of Associated Students as an INDEPENDENT - that means I don't care for party politics and just want to CREATE CHANGE within A.S. and I am going to do it with Gaucho spirit! Since becoming involved in A.S. I have served as the Undergraduate Representative on the Vice Chancellors Income and Recharge Committee and have been a member of the A.S. Investment Advisory Committee for the past two years.

I believe:

That raising A.S. fees through students' initiatives is hypocritical and WRONG if A.S. is trying to lower student fees and will do everything possible to prevent future increases.

That A.S. should be an organization for EVERYONE not just for those involved in campus groups.

That the best way to combat fee increases and wasteful spending is to get students involved. As an INDEPENDENT seeking REAL CHANGE and FISCAL RESPONSIBILITY I ask for the opportunity to represent YOU!


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