2008 Spring General
Election Supplement

Student Advocate General

Scott McDonald

Howdy yall, my name is Scott McDonald and I am running for the position of Student Advocate General. The Advocate General is a relatively new executive position here at UCSB, and was created by a Constitutional Amendment passed in a campus wide election back in 2006. The position is designed to protect the rights of students on campus, whether it is the University, Residence halls, or even friggin' Transportation and Parking Services that is challenging them. I started off in the Office of the Student Advocate, which is run by the Advocate General, as a caseworker two years ago. I have since been promoted twice and have seen a whole mess of students steamrolled by the different judicial processes on campus. I have seen students getting C.A.S.E who have never had any alcohol in their life. That's crap. I have seen people getting accused of cheating for things that nobody even knows are against policy. That's a load of horse crap. Hell, there have even been whole halls evicted during finals week basically because of a couple people who maybe smoked a little too much pot. What bull crap. For the past couple of years, I have had the opportunity to help students in these situations as well as many others, and if you elect me I will not only continue to do so, I will make sure that the OSA expands its services to help even more UCSB students. Oh, and America, #*&% yeah!

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