2006 Spring General
Election Supplement

2006 A.S. Constitutional Amendment

Constitutional Amendment

Do you approve of a Constitutional Amendment that would allow students to elect an executive officer to advocate for student's rights within the university? The new position would be titled Student Advocate General and would not result in any fee increases for students. The amendment would appear at the end of Article VI, Section 2, would take effect on January 1st, 2007, and would read as follows:

The Student Advocate General Shall:

A) Provide oversight and direction to the Office of the Student Advocate.
B) Educate the student body about student's rights, University and Associated Students policies, laws, regulations, procedures, and promote awareness of the availability of advice and representation services offered by the Office of the Student Advocate.
C) Be available to provide assistance and support to any undergraduate student and student group involved in disciplinary actions with the University of California, Santa Barbara and be empowered to challenge University policies on their behalf.
D) Present the position of the Associated Students to the University's administration concerning student rights, campus rules, and other areas of student conduct.
E) Be a non-partisan representative of all undergraduate students at the University of California, Santa Barbara.

Pro Statement

This amendment would:

Christopher Karlin

Con Statement

No Statement Submitted

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