2005 Spring General
Election Supplement

2005 A.S. Reaffirmations

(These are reaffirmations of existing constitutional lock-ins. Voting "YES" will not increase your A.S. fees.)

University Children's Center: Do you support continued funding of three dollars ($3.00) per A.S. UCSB Membership per quarter for the University Children's Center?

Student Health Center: Do you support continued funding of twelve dollars ($12.00) per A. S. UCSB Membership per quarter for the Student Health Center?

Campus Media (including Daily Nexus, La Cumbre Yearbook, KCSB-FM and the A.S. Communications Personnel): Do you support continued funding of five dollars and fourteen cents ($5.14) per A.S. UCSB Membership per quarter for Campus Media?

Multicultural Center: Do you support a continued funding of seventy-five cents ($0.75) from each student per quarter for the Multicultural Center student salaries, services, and programming?

Disabled Students Program: Do you support continued funding of one dollar and seventy-five ($1.75) per A.S. UCSB Membership per quarter for the Disabled Students Program?

UC Student Association: Do you support continued funding of thirty-five cents ($0.35) per A.S. UCSB Membership per quarter for the UC Student Association?

A.S. Community Affairs Board: Do you support continued funding of one dollar and fifteen cents ($1.15) per A.S. UCSB Membership per quarter for the Community Affairs Board?

A.S. Isla Vista Community Improvements: Do you support continued funding of one dollar and fifty cents ($1.50) per A.S. UCSB Membership per quarter for A.S. Isla Vista Community Improvements?

A.S. Legal Resource Center: Do you support continued funding of one dollar and fifty cents ($1.50) per A.S. UCSB Membership per quarter for the A.S. Legal Resource Center so that it may continue to provide free legal education and consultation to students?

Women's Commission: Do you support continued funding of forty cents ($0.40) per A.S. UCSB Membership per quarter for the A.S. Women's Commission?

Undergraduate Night and Weekend Parking Fee: Do you support continued funding of three dollars and thirty-three cents ($3.33) per A.S. UCSB Membership per quarter for undergraduate night and weekend parking?

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